Social Security announces major change in disability benefits – Here’s how it will affect beneficiaries

Chris Hemsworth
4 Min Read

For years, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has denied benefits to disabled people based on outdated jobs like “nut sorter” and “pneumatic tube operator.” However, a significant change is coming: the SSA is updating its occupations database and removing 114 outdated positions. This is the first update in almost 50 years, and it aims to better reflect the modern job market and improve the chances for disabled people to receive benefits.

Disability Pride Month and Statistics

July is Disability Pride Month in the United States, celebrating the Americans with Disabilities Act enacted over 30 years ago. According to the 2021 US Census Bureau, there are around 42.5 million Americans with disabilities, representing nearly 13% of the civilian non-institutionalized population. These disabilities include difficulties with walking, hearing, vision, cognitive functions, self-care, or independent living.

The Role of the Social Security Administration

Since its establishment in 1935, the SSA has been helping millions of retired workers, survivors, disabled individuals, and low-income seniors cover their living expenses, often helping them fight poverty. Through its Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, millions of disabled people in the United States receive monthly payments to cover their expenses, as many are unable to work due to their disabilities.

Updating the Dictionary of Occupational Titles

The SSA uses the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) to assess whether benefit applicants can work. If an applicant is deemed employable based on this list, their benefits might be denied. Now, the SSA is removing 114 outdated job titles from this list. Additionally, 13 DOT jobs, like “dance hall host” and “nut sorter,” have had their documentation questioned by federal courts.

Implementing New Evidentiary Criteria

The SSA is introducing new evidentiary criteria for assessing disability benefit applications. This update reflects the shift away from manufacturing jobs requiring physical labor. While the list was first issued by the Department of Labor, it was largely ignored as the economy changed. Despite this, the SSA still uses the list in the final stages of the application process.

Ensuring Relevant Occupations Are Considered

The SSA aims to make its disability determination process easier and more up-to-date. By focusing on relevant occupations, the SSA hopes to ensure applicants for disability benefits are assessed more fairly. SSA Commissioner Martin O’Malley stated that decision-makers will no longer use these outdated jobs as reasons to deny benefits, which is a positive change for many disabled Americans.

Impact and Reactions

Many disabled Americans have praised this move, feeling that the system will better support them. However, some believe that the damage done to the disability community over the years may not be easily undone. Nonetheless, there is hope that the SSA will implement these changes quickly, providing new applicants a better chance of qualifying for disability benefits.

The SSA’s update to the occupations database is a long-overdue change that reflects the modern job market. By removing outdated job titles and implementing new evidentiary criteria, the SSA aims to make the disability benefits process more fair and accessible. This update is a significant step forward in supporting the disabled community, and many are optimistic about the positive impact it will have.

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